Saturday, January 17, 2009

What to do when suicide doesn't work

I figured I'd explain the 16 from yesterday. When I was 13 I attempted to commit suicide. It didn't work at all...obviously lol. I was going through a lot at the time. I had recently found out I was given up as a baby and my parents weren't really my parents. And I had 6 lil brothers and sisters who were taken in a foster home due to the reasons in the song "Open Letter". And I just had regular teen drama that I don't even remember anymore lol. One day on my way home from school, I stole a pack of rat poison from Ralphs (funny that I later on became a Ralphs security guard). Then I went to Jack n the box and got a cup of water. I dumped the entire box rat poison in the cup and just casually walked home, drinking my death juice. It was nasty, I don't have to tell you that. I didn't feel a thing tho. But I think it affected my stomach because it just rumbles for no reason every now and then. And I have a muscle separation between my abs that I never noticed before I was 13. Other than that, I'm good. Mentally, after it didn't work, I figured I had a bigger purpose and went to work on the person you see now. And quite frankly, I'm the shit *smiles so the dimples show*

My point in writing about this is the hope that some one realizes life isn't that bad. You can always turn things around. Don't be the person who attempts suicide and it works and you leave behind a grieving family. DAMMIT go out there and be somebody lol

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dayum I love you; you got skillz bruh...
