Sunday, December 5, 2010
Mogul In The Making: Entry 3
Just waking up to answer a angry phone call. All my fault tho.
Its raining and I have a lot to do today.
Crazy homeless man ran up on me at the post office. AWKWARD
Just left a meeting. Found a non profit that delivers food to people who are too sick too leave. I'm anxious to help out cuz I wanted to start the same thing in the hood. Time for a food stop. Haven't eat today yet
Arrived in echo park/silverlake. About to smoke and then studio flow
Leaving echo park. Headed to gardena. Gotta see what the final plans are for tomorrow night. We'll figure it out when I get there. Was suppose to be a dinner. Don't look like it tho. Been emailing Rik from 730 Dips (Freekey Zekey's label) and we are going to do a joint mixtape. Dipset West x 730 Dips
Just ran through the my EP from start to finish lyrically and I'm done writing. Time to start recording. Still headed to Gardena. Seen hell cops hemming niggas up on crenshaw and king.
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Mogul In The Makingl: Entry 2
Had 3 artist cancel in the last hour for tomorrow's show in Hollywood opening up for Dipset West's Young Hu$tle, Blu Division's Stage and Brick Squad's YG Hootie all label's I'm affiliated with in some way. I make opening acts sale tickets to secure their spot and pay for things like headliners, dj, club, security, etc. When artist pull out last minute it puts me in jeopardy of not being able to pay some one.
Was suppose to head to the studio but I'm too stressed out. My mom isn't helping either with all the shit she's talking. My phone is going to be cut off in a hour so its best to stay in. Started raining too. A reflection of how I feel.
8:33am Saturday November 20th
Leaving moms late. Set my alarm for 6:30 and keep hitting snooze. Very unlike me but I'm in a bad mood. I was doing the math in my head and blackberry all night and I might still be able to pull this show off. I probably won't make any money but everyone else will get paid. If I didn't have headliners flying back to LA for this show then I wouldve cancelled it but its more important for my reputation that a good show goes down and I'm broke then a cancelled show at the last minute. I'm realizing I got too greedy with the ticket prices and made the show a hard sell for the artist
Headed to Echo Park/Silverlake. Checked in with all the artist that are still coming tonight except one who actually has 2 slots for their artist on Towne Records. Them not showing up will fuck everything up for me. I'm honestly hoping a headliner cancels so I can erase that amount off my list for the night (lol'n but DEAD ASS). I'm glad the majority headliners is my niggas and not just cats I paid to come down.
Been so busy I keep forgetting my son's birthday is in 9 days. Gotta walk away from this show with gift money or else. "If I aint got it, somebody getting it"...if you know me then you know how I get down. That line was deeper than rap.
On the bus. My cell is disconnected but the bus has wifi so I can still check my twitter which is great cuz the artist I didn't hear from hit me back on the DM. They are still coming through. Yay! Fuck tho, I was sitting thinking of how to pitch wifi service on the buses to MTA and they got it already it seems. I see the mexicans out here in Mac Arthur park getting they grind on. I need to pitch them some LV/Coach/Chanel knockoffs
Walking down sunset. High as fuck. Been going back and forth with the tattoo artist in whether she can make it to hollywood tonight. I feel not as bad about tonight. The weed and shots are helping. Had to go borrow my older nephew's jordans. Not that I needed them but I'm already out the house and they go with the outfit I have on. Can't show up to my event looking off. Walked passed 5 or 6 film studios and its pretty inspiring. Gotta get back on my movie shit. Catching the bus to a show that everyone else is driving to is not popping.
At the venue. Its tiny but its dope. No stage but cordless mics. More of a MTV Unplugged feel.
Just had to be quick on my feet to solve a sound problem with the mics. Couldve changed the whole dynapic of tonight
Another artist just cancelled. Stomach is starting hurt. Back to feeling worse about tonight.
Going through the motions. Haven't heard from one of the headliners but that's a good thing financially. His last twit post says he's in Kentucky
Putting the 1st artist on soon for a show that was suppose to start at 5 and end at 10. Found out YG Hootie is really in Kentucky and not coming
Show was pushed back and then cut short. No money in my pocket but some good connects and money moves made. Gotta run down the street to a family birthday dinner
Just walking in the house
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Friday, November 19, 2010
Mogul In The Making: Entry 1
I'm some what high. Walking down Hollywood blvd. Just dropped tickets off to a artist out here. About to hop on the red line and head to pasadena to see Sean Price at The Terrace. Going to scout artist and talking to Sean Price people about getting Dipset West, Blu Division or Brick Squad to open up on their next tour. I'm listening to J. Cole's "Friday Night Lights" mixtape on my blackberry.
On the red line. Listening to Los "Shooter" mixtape. I try to give every mixtape atleast one listen so that I'm up on every artist. Been on this train too long alone with my thoughts. Just seen a man who looks like my dad and its fucking with me. He just died a couple months ago. Gotta shake it off. Need to charge my blackberry. My phone stay dying. Can't let that happen tonight. I got the charger in the hoodie pouch.
The promoter is making up they own prices at the door. I'll never come to one of their events again.
I'm one salmon hand roll and half a bud beer in. I just realized the 2nd time around that I still hate sushi. Show is getting better. Sitting in the middle of the venue with my phone on the charger. I'm pretty bored. Artist are good tho.
On the street in front of the venue watching a cypher, waiting on alchemist and sean price to pop out.
On the train headed back to la. Spoke with Sean P and Alchemist real quick. Got they contact info so I can do shows with em and get them in the studio. Got contact info on 6 artist I saw perform tonight so I can use them for my shows in the future. Dumb tired. Won't see the bed for a minute lol. Need to spot a taco truck asap...and I'm DEAD ASS about that.
Solo on sunset and alvarado. Getting tacos. Got to jump on the computer and send some important emails and see what's up with the new dipset west logo and Iceman's final mix of his "Sex, Money, Murder" EP.
ESPN flow and multi tasking computer antics. Catching the sports highlights, laptop actually in my lap. Bong at my feet with White Widow in it.
Wake up after nodding off. Planned on going home around 3 but fell asleep. Throw my shoes on and fall asleep for what was planned to be at 5 minute nap turned into a hour nap
In the streets. Son doesn't have to be at school til 7:20ish but I'm already running late.
C. Versy
323 622 8559
Monday, October 18, 2010
It's hard for a pimp...but extra hard for these hoes

The title is a line from Common's song "Drivin' me wild" ft. Lily Allen. It's a line I believe in. We give all this credit to pimps and feel bad for hoes because they doing all the work and taking the risk. I feel like I'm getting off subject lol. Anyway, I heard about Kat Stacks beginning of this year I think. Pretty sure it was through then twitter then a site that she had set up.
If you don't know who Kat Stacks is then you need to google her. Here is a bio I found that she wrote:
"Who is Kat Stacks ? “Kat” was a code name given by my Baby’s father at age 15 after I ran away from my home in Miami, FL & went to live in Brooklyn, New York. I was originally born in Caracas, Venezuela given the birth name “Andrea” , I attended Alternative school during my child hood & was always a problem child. I have been in a mental hospital for trying to commit suicide, I have been in jail, I was always a hustlers girlfriend, I have been mentally & physically abused by those who I thought I could love & trust, but after all I’ve been through I am still standing here with my head up stronger than ever"
Here is something else I found
"Kat Stacks is a super groupie who documents her celeb (mostly rap star) encounters on her blog (site NSWF). She writes about the mostly intimate details of her mostly sexual incidents, and also posts stories from other women claiming to have bedded celebs and also posts provocative pictures of herself.
Kat Stacks (
Stacks claimed she slept with Little Wayne after he paid her $1,200, according to She also says she "screwed the whole Young Money click" on a video she posted on MySpace, and has quite a few things to say about the group of rappers"
If there is a popping rapper in one of the major cities then she's probably slept with them. Afterwards she'll make a video blog about it an give the rappers cell number out at the end as proof of the dirty deed. Aaron Carter (I know, right lol), Lil Wayne, The whole Young Money (damn yo), Bow Wow (lmfao @ him having a purple egg shaped vibrator *PAUSE*), Jay Rock, X.O. from Black Wall Street, Soulja Boy, T-Pain and the list goes on *based on reports, I wasn't there*. There are more famous people we don't know about because she won't put the celebs who are nice to her on blast.
So on the surface you just see a groupie fucking rappers and putting them on blast. But when you pull back layers. You see some one whose experienced a part of life most of us will never know. I can't front, I used to talk ALOT of shit about her but when you see the interviews and how she describes what she's been through, you can see why she'd be scorned. I see alot of the "Black Girl Lost" similarities (side note: great book). You see the "bottom bitch" tatts, suicide scars, videos (scroll down) of her being hit and chased in public. The fact that she's still able to walk around doing what she does says alot about her character cuz people have died for less. But at the end of the day, this might all just be a character. She's still a mom, has her own place and makes money which alot of her haters can't say they doing. How many of your ratchet's have had your kids taken? How many broke niggas wanna hit that right now to this day? LMAO. We really only see what she shows us and the occasional drunk snap shots some1 post online. Shit, I posted a pic of her in the crenshaw mall lol.

I always wonder why rappers know all that she's done and yet they still get caught up. I guess cuz for alot of the artist out now, they were too young when Superhead was popping. For some I guess you just want to know why the last nigga did it. It doesn't help that she releasing videos shaking her ass and showing you the pussy "boss" niggas have thrown they face in. To be a rapper these days you have to have a chain, luxury car, big house and have slept with Kat Stacks lmao. Funny how almost true that sentence is. Say what you want about her but she is everywhere. She was mentioned at the BET Hip Hop awards more than rappers. She's in all the hip hop mags, blogs, gossip sites, etc. She host clubs and packs that shit out. For the life of me I don't know why tho lmao. Why pay to come to a club to look at some one have more fun than you?
I don't know what it would take to change that girl around and I'm not saying its my job to try. Especially with what she said about Jim Jones and me being apart of Dipset West, I don't need those problems lol. My job is to make sure my daughters don't grow up to be her. On some level that's what she's doing, preventing girls from growing up to be her. I heard a story of a lil girl, like 12-14 or something like that, who heard Kat's story and end up quitting the game and leaving her pimp. So there is a message there under all the bangs, new tits and ass lol
If you a rapper I mentioned and feel some kind of way about it, holla at me. I'm not taking shit down tho.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Just another night in the studio
Man, that brotha does magic on the mpc. He played some fire ass beats and "salute" but not just like a mp3. He played the beat by hand! Had the walls shaking and niggas going nuts. I can honestly say there wasn't one wack song played. He dipped out to play some beats for Ron Artest and I went home. Just another night in the studio.
C. Versy
323 622 8559
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Back on my blog shit
So much has happened this year. Lost my sister right before summer and my dad died aug 28th. Too people I never got to say my good bye to and resolve our personal issues. Its killing me because death is so final and you will never get the chance to fix things again.
Dipset West keeps me so busy. I'm out here shaking hands, kissing babies and pushing mixtapes. The new music never stops.
I'm back on my rap shit. My 1st show in about a yea was sept 10th and I did some new shit that's not even recorded yet. It felt good to get back on that stage at The Airliner. Working on some community events, buzz building ideas and just things to take Best Coast Ent further in the game. I've come a long way since 2006 but not far enough.
I've been pretty broke lately. Shows haven't been going well. I stopped to restructure and now I'm setting up new shit like a web series, a recording studio and a barber/beauty salon. My dad dying really pushed me to get money. Seeing how he ended his life has pushed me back on the grind and focused.
I don't know how to feel. I've been drowning the lost feelings in weed smoke. For awhile it was the only way to get through the day without depressing thoughts. Shout out to my mmj doctor recommendation that let's me smoke legally. Maaaan, been super abusing alcohol and trees since April with the ABUSERZ (ABZ)
I'm trynna get back into working out. I know I said I was gonna do the p90x forever ago but I finally got the videos and work out bar. I did a week of a test work out and the difference is clear. I'm gonna start today!
Working on being a better family man but shit with school and biz, its hard to find the time to do more than I am as a boyfriend and father.
Anyway, that's it for now.
323 622 8559
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Monday, June 21, 2010
I'm officially sold! We got this in the house collecting dust pretty much. So starting later on today (its 1:07 am) I will begin my work out plan and keep you updated. The plan is to put on 2 lbs of muscle a week until my 90 day work out program is done. The program says to take alot of before pics. I'm just gonna post one

So yea, I'm about 150 lbs now. Lets see where I'm at in 90 days. That's all for now. Peace
Sunday, June 20, 2010

The above photo is me after a long day of classes. I had my 1st day of full classes since I graduate from the Musicians Institute in 2005. It's not something you can just jump back into. I had class from 9am to 4:30pm. I loved every minute of it tho. I'm taking sociology and united states history and I learned alot from the 1st class already. My classes are mostly online and we meet on the weekends. Its just as much work as a regular class tho. Since it's summer school it goes alot faster. I got my classes for the fall too. I don't know what my major will be yet. Something in digital media or business. I went to school for recording engineering before. At this rate, I'll have my AA in one year and my BA the year after that. And that's truly the only reason I'm going. T get this done as quick as possible and get the jobs I'm already qualified for now but can't get because I don't have a diploma or units. I'm starting out as a freshman and I'm 24 with kids. No time to waste. I'm out. I got hw and a paper to write lol. Peace
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
After watching this video, I don't find any fault in what the cop did. If it was L.A. the second girl would've been pepper sprayed, tasered or shot. He had a choke hold on the first girl that was super loose. There are cops that use unnecessary force and I don't consider this a case of that.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Movie #3 is untitled but about a rap group and its manager on its 1st tour. Something happens to each person before the 1st show on the tour that will change things forever. That's all I can say without giving too much away.
I'm still on it. It's actually not hard to do if you know how to write essay's. And if you know how to write a beginning, middle, end. And if you have an imagination.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Working on another project now. I'm sure I can shoot this dramatic ass movie in 3 days on a tour bus and in a couple hotel rooms. I can't wait to finish and shoot this new shit. It's gonna have a real world/hip hop feel to it. That's all I'll say about that.
Just thought I'd update you real quick. That's it for now. PEACE!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
PROFILE: Wacka Flocka Flame from dee vazquez on Vimeo.
PROFILE: DJ VLAD from dee vazquez on Vimeo.
PROFILE: Tony Yayo from dee vazquez on Vimeo.
PROFILE: Sacha Jenkins from dee vazquez on Vimeo.
PROFILE: Elliott Wilson from dee vazquez on Vimeo.
PROFILE: DJ Kay Slay from dee vazquez on Vimeo.
PROFILE: Pill from dee vazquez on Vimeo.
PROFILE: Freddie Gibbs from dee vazquez on Vimeo.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Southwestern U.S. an unbranded calf, cow, or steer, esp. an unbranded calf that is separated from its mother.
a lone dissenter, as an intellectual, an artist, or a politician, who takes an independent stand apart from his or her associates.
(initial capital letter) an electro-optically guided U.S. air-to-ground tactical missile for destroying tanks and other hardened targets at ranges up to 15 mi. (24 km).
1865–70, Americanism; after Samuel A. Maverick (1803–70), Texas pioneer who left his calves unbranded
2. nonconformist, independent, loner.
I've fallen off designing my clothing line MAVERICK. Expect to see a debut design before the end of this month.
The line is for people who are independent thinkers. Who stand alone. Who dare to be different and express themselves threw fashion. As of now, I'm designing the line with Super Fresh clothing owner/designer Lamar Lindsay. I like his line and I feel he gets my ideas enough to bring them to light. I don't want to copy any line out there. This will be different but still very much THE SHIT! I want to go to Trade Tech and study fashion and graphic design. I don't have money to go to FIDM lol.
That's all for now. Peace
Friday, April 2, 2010

So, I've had this book called "how to write a movie in 21 days". Pretty thin for a book and I read fast. So the plan is to write a film project every 21 days. Some will be shorts, some will be mini joints, some will be full length features. Nothing will be shot this year as of now but I have enough ideas to execute a project every 21 days for the rest of the year. Its just about getting the ideas on paper. I gave up the idea of getting my own office again for now. I just need a workstation in a already up and running office with a rec/break room. I can't write at home as much as I have tried lol. This starts today! I will keep you posted on there progress. I'm working on one now called "Gentleman to Gangster". It will have a album to go with it. The next 4 projects after that are on index cards idea wise but aren't written. 2011 will be spent shooting those projects as much as possible. I feel like I'm in a good space. I'm ready to get my grind on. Keep tabs. Peace
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Chris Rock - Crackers (Outkast's "Hey Ya" Spoof ) [Unreleased]
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
How I want to die
1) In the booth. Not sure what point in life. Like if I had some terminal illness. I would want to be in the booth recording when it takes me instead of my death bed. I bet them last verses is on some different shit. WORD!
2) The other way is an old man. Picture a old man playing the piano. Got a long cigarette hanging out my mouth. I'm playing Donny Hathaway's "A Song For You". That shit is deep. My wife will be a few feet behind me saying nothing. Crying silently. But by the time the song ends she is sitting next to me. I just die in her arms after the last note. THAT IS PLAYA! And I don't smoke cigs lol!
By no means am I suicidal or anything like that. Just something I've thought about.
I don't want a sad ass funeral. I want it to be a ill ass hip hop gathering. Like this:
All in all, celebrate life and when some one passes, remember them for how they lived and not how they died. When it's all said and done I want to go out with every one knowing I was real and I did everything I set out to do.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Alicia Keys Unthinkable (I'm Ready) with Lyrics
Sunday, January 31, 2010
I've been slacking on working out. I'll get back to that when the sun rises. Wont be a hard routine to get back into. The focus is arms and chest and abs. Think I'mma do a shirtless poster because women don't get mixtapes unless its a nigga they think is sexy lol. How backwards is that?
I was suppose to put this mixtape out last year but put a halt on it when I got my Dipset West position. I'm glad I waited because the songs I would've used then wouldn't be as good as what I have now. This time around I'll be ready. I think it's well rounded. All original beats and better concepts. I still plan to work this like a album. Radio promo, vids, ringtones, tons of shows. First show will be feb 26th in LA. It will serve as the release party.
I'm trynna see if the funds are there to have DJ Ames host the mixtape. I chose him to help me break into that UK market. Travel is important to any artist, especially indie artist like me and the UK hip hop market loves the real US underground that can bring it.
Other than that, life is moving in slow mo. My blackberry is off but should be on in about 10 days. Just in time for the release lol. I'm dropping the mixtape on Valentine's Day because I have love for anyone who takes the time out to listen to me. I haven't finalized my v-day plans yet. I'mma surprise her ass with something tho. Something different.
got my weed recommendation so I can buy medicinal marijuana and it was def worth it. It's a different kind of high. Gonna fully become a weed enthusiast now lol. All kinds of smoking tools and edibles and shit.
Best Coast is slowly coming back. The feb 26th show will be the first BEST OF THE BEST since sept 7th. I'm excited. I'm working with a artist named Anthony Dollar and he's so ready to blow. I really want to see him succeed.
That's it for now. I'm about to roll one up, watch "The Show", write and hit the studio with the set. Peace!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Morning Mansion thoughts
This is how you start the new year off. This is more motivation to get up and make moves. I already got motivation at home but this just added fuel to the fire.
The whole trip back I'm working on my plan and getting biz done and getting money. Cuz my ass needs a mansion son lol. Material things aren't everything but once I'm at this level then I know good.
Money is everything cuz without it your girl leaves you, your kids starve, have no roof, no child care so you can work and child services take em away, everything cost.
Anyway, I'm switching subjects so its time to end it.
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