Thursday, December 31, 2009
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Friday, December 25, 2009
Four shows a month thrown by me
-first of the month rock show
-first of the month ladies hip hop show
-best of the best
-end of the month rock show
-need to make at least $500 from each show
Monthly Dipset mixtape
-$500 to $1000
Radio show
-need $200 a week at least in sponsor money
Promo packages (online, street, etc)
Amount to be determined
BET/MTV quality music videos
-charge $400-$500
-keep $100-$200
Booking shows for bigger named headliners
-500 at least every booking
I've already started putting up ads online. I'm gonna be at every artist showcase I can find selling promo services and mixtape slots.
I'm booking shows for big artist and the deal is they have to take Dipset West with the artist. Put us up in hotels and we are the opening act. I get the price the headliner charges and add 500 to 2000. Depending on how many Dipset West artist are rolling.
You also hire your own local promoters and go half with them.
If you take my plan and it makes you money then you better send me a check lol but so serious. If you follow my shit, you'll make thousands a month in cash or pay-pal.
I've tested all of my plans and got rid of what didn't work in the past. Not saying its fail proof but its easy when you know what you're doing
Fuck anyone who thought I was gonna roll over and be broke. I do have a family to feed and trynna move us all into a downtown loft so money is sooo necessary. Gotta go. Time. Get more money. Peace!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
The Life I Lead

I'm writing this from my blackberry, its 6 something in the morning. I'm tired and on my way home. I'm running off power naps. Imma be in the house for a couple hours and then head out to do it all again. This is just the life I lead.
People assume the music business is all bitches, bling, big stacks of money and bottle popping. You couldn't be more day consists of emails, phone calls, meetings, studio, building with dj's, online promo and constantly coming up with fresh ideas. I honestly work til I just fall asleep at the computer. Man, I get them super power naps on the couch at the studio lol.
The reason a lot of these artist don't make it is because their mind isn't wired for the music business. They think mixtapes will get them discovered. Couldn't be more wrong. I'm sitting here now thinking about radio promo, ringtones, BET quality music videos, singles, t shirt line, endorsements, touring.
I used to want to be famous. Now I just want to make money. I just want my family to live better than I did. If fame happens then so be it. I would love to just be at home with the misses and kids and just doing the family thing but not gonna happen. Not when there is school fees, bills, rent, new engine needed for the car, clothes, shoes, child support. A nigga got expenses lol.
I don't have time to hang out. I aint seen my friends in years. They know what it is tho. I'm one call away. I missed my daughters 1st birthday and baptism because I had a show. Still super dad tho lol.
But I honestly wouldn't trade this for anything in the world. I love being busy. Means money is coming. I can smell it lol.
I'm off. Gotta long as day ahead of me. Peace ya'll.
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
Thursday, December 17, 2009
PHYSICALLY: I used to use my back pack to hide a lot of secrets. Cell phone my girl didn't know about, shit like that. I don't look as professional wheb I'm out in public with it on. Makes my suit look less like a suit...if that makes sense. I look like the epitome of a back pack rapper lol. In high school my bag was so heavy, the nurse said I had "back pack-itis". I'm trynna down size. I took out all the rhymes. No more hidden cell phones. No more magazines. Just work related items. Bout to get a better looking bag too. Like a louie. They have better men designs than gucci. Trynna get on my grown man lol.
EMOTIONAL: I have a lot of emotional baggage...whether I realize it or not. I've been through a lot in my life that I haven't dealt with. Not that I'm avoiding it. I just don't know how. A lot of shit I thought was normal gorwing up I found out isn't. I'm getting better at this daily. I feel lighter after every issue I deal with. We as people carry a lot of baggage and it either 1) Ruins relationships because we unload on the people we love without then asking or 2) Carry it til it kills us internally and we end up no good to anyone anyway. Let that shit go. Stop holding all that shit and letting it weigh you down.
I've officially gotten rid of both kinds of baggage. You see me with my back pack less and less. That brings less emotional baggage cuz I'm not hiding extra cell phones and shit like that from my girl. I feel lighter. There is a lot more you can do when you not carrying a big ass back pack around lol. Still gonna get the louie back pack tho. Gotta be fly wit it. And it will only carry the essentials.
Best way to get rid of emotional/physical baggage is sorting out what you need in your life and leaving behind what you don't. Travel light.
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
Friday, November 27, 2009
Dipset West is mooovviiinngg! The album came out yesterday and is up for free download on I've been bumping it for about 2 weeks. It's truly one of the best street albums (not mixtape) I've heard. I just blends well from beginning to end. I'm really getting into my position. People are hearing about what we are doing based on the moves I'm making. The CEO said he's proud of me so that's motivation to go harder. It's gonna be alot of things coming with Dipset West if I have any say about it.
Best Coast Ent will be back in Jan. I'm just thinking out events to do. I've done the artist showcase thing to def. I'm not gonna say what type of things I'm planning but they are going to be different. Looking for new artist. As it stands, I have no artist. I'm ready to get back into artist mode. I Just feel real creative these days. I've started memorizing verses on my way home from work. Gonna start doing lil videos of me spitting the verses and youtubing them. Cuz all these lil hip hop shows get you now where really. I plan to get some serious recording done. Especially since I have a steady income. I can spare like 50 a week to knock out a song. I'm looking for male and female rappers. Also looking for male and female singers. Also thinking of trynna start a hip hop band again. Let's see how that goes
Personally I'm in a weird place. All I do is work. And I work quietly. I'm very alone and don't know how to deal with it. I'm not complaining tho. Just kind of a I I was typing this blog entry. I'm good tho. Just need an outlet and getting back to music will do that for me.
I worked out this morning and I feel good that I can say that. I need to hit the gym more. I need to get back to my islam studies too. Super need to get back to that.
Time for me to get ready for work. Imma update this more often. I just read a blog about how you should keep updating your blog lol. So expect one of these a week atleast.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Good dad/Bad dad
If you know Randy then you know his mom Face. I made it a point early in my "career" to let people know who they were through songs, pics, etc.
My son's done more shows then a lot of these so called rappers lol. We have more than a father/son relationship. That's my nigga lol. His only gone probably 3 days without seeing me his whole life and that's because I was in Vegas and he couldn't go.
My son was pretty much planned, where as my daughter wasn't. She's a result of me being unfaithful and stepping back into something with an ex. I'd never deny her. If you asked how many kids I have, I'd tell you. But I also don't tell people about her off top. Mainly because then I have to explain why she's never around or how she came to be. She's cute as shit tho. And smart. As much as I can't stand her mom, she's doing a good job on that end. Her mom makes sure to show her my videos and pictures and when I had my cell on, if Jade wanted to she would call me. Only one of my friends has seen her and that was once. My mom has seen her maybe 4 times. I didn't really see her all summer during my whole "get money" thing. I think about her daily and will be stepping the daddy side up as part of my SELF REHAB. There is no excuse for not being there bottom line.
I'll post the lyrics to the song later when I find em on
UPDATE! Here the lyrics go:
My son sees me everyday of his life//
My first born, my first name, its only right//
Daddy's baby, my lil soldier//
I try to be stern, but I'mma push ova//
I take him everywhere, office and the studio//
He even be on stage when I do my shows//
He knows the words to all songs//
We be eating pizza, watching movies all night long//
I put him to sleep, brush his hair and his teeth in the morning time//
He looks just like me, no denying the boy is mine//
He listens to me, I demand my respect//
Got his name birthday tatted on my neck//
I taught him how to say thank u and please//
I kiss his boo boos when he scrapes his knees//
When he does good, I give him daps and high fives//
I call him Big Baby Ran, that's my lil guy//
I'm a man//
My balls and my word is all I have//
But I'm sad//
Cuz my daughter calls another nigga dad//
Cuz she don't see me often//
I gotta deal with her momma shit talking//
Everytime I walk in, I'm treated like a stranger//
On the real, I really can't blame her//
I be gone for months at a time//
But baby Jade still on my mind//
I wish I could be there 24/7//
But I can't, I'm on the grind, on a mission//
I'm trynna turn nothing into something out here//
But all she sees is that I'm not there//
And I promise, I'mma make you proud of me//
To you I'm dad, but to the world I'm C dot V//
album will be out on Thanksgiving so I've been putting energy into that.
Trynna set up release parties and endorsements deals. Lots of progress
on that/ is back up. Just posted a interview I did with Street
Goddess from Top Dawg Ent. She's head of promo for them and just a all
around hustler. It was a real good interview we did months ago but I
never posted it. I added new music too. I want to change the layout
because its too basic. Need something more along the lines of
I'm on my way to quit my flower delivery job. I just got a new marketing
job so YAY me. I start at 12 and its full time.
I've been wanting to smoke kinda badly lately. Almost bought a black n
mild a few times but eventually I didn't. Doing really well on that
side, just quitting cold turkey.
Still haven't been recording. Haven't looked into it at all either. But
I got some shit ready. One of my ACES CLIK members is flying in from NY
sat and we are gonna link up and record. I always like collabing.
Not much Best Coast biz going on still. Just thinking it out til I have
money to make moves. But trust it will be up and running. That's my baby
My mac is broken so I haven't been able to do as much work as usual. Was
gonna sell it but since I have a new job, I'll just get it fixed.
I'm back in the gym. Been away for pretty much 2 months with the
exception of a couple days. I'm paying all this money, I might as well
go. Felt good. I'mma go as often as possible. Be the yuffest businessman
lol. And yes I do mean Yuff. Gotta work on the legs as much as the upper
body. Its too many niggas who buff grom the waist up with chicklen legs
All in all I'm doing better but can do better. That's it for now.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Dipset West is moving along nicely. Videos are coming back from editing. I run the dipsetwest.wordpress blog. The street album drops this month. I'm setting up mass amounts of release parties in different areas like the bay, arizona, la, etc. We are so ahead of the game on the west because no artist out here put out albums, just mixtapes. I guarantee every artist on the label will have a instore album because that's just how Dipset works.
I've got the urge to back to be an artist. I've got alot of concept songs these days and the funny thing is every song I picture the video to go with it.
I'm crazy sick right now and its super interrupting my work. Body just sore and weak. Got the sudafed on deck tho lol. I get sick about once a year. Usually when the weather turns from hot one day to cold the next.
Anyway, I'm off. got work to do. I'll be posting more today tho.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
I passed by my moms house while working. Haven't talked to her since some time in the summer. I'm vicious when it comes to holding grudges lol. Terrible trait but oh well.
I decided to email every studio I can find so I can get a internship. No point in wasting all the knowledge and money spent at school to become a recording engineer. I was a straight A student. I haven't mixed a song down in forever on my own.
I worked on a screenplay that I haven't touched in forever. Like 2 months. I want to shoot this by the end of the year. It's going to be soo goood! I wrote it to be low cost to shoot. Only a couple locations, 4 characters and can probably shot it in one or two nights.
Something else productive happened but I can't remember what it is....give me a minute. Yea I can't remember what it is, I'm out. Peace
Thursday, October 8, 2009
I'm just ready to own shit. Car, house, etc. And I'm ready to put things in order to do all that. I'm very much a family man and they deserve better than what I'm offering now. that being said, I'm cutting no slack. If you owe me money I'm coming for that shit. WORD! I've been real timid with companies but I'mma start making myself known and heard. Iceman says he's gonna show me how to muscle people lol.
I'm out for now. peace
I've just been doing alot of thinking. Trynna figure out a work out schedule. I need to bulk up. I'm putting together end of the month shows. I emailed about some promo shit. I really want to get another in house promotions gig. Been thinking about bringing in one or two partners. Not sure if I want help with my biz or just people to split office rent with.
That's all I got for now. Peace
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
I've been listening to Blueprint 3 and I love it. It's reinspired me as an artist and I've been writing some ill shit. BP3 and So Far Gone are the only things on repeat in my blackberry. I stay murdering ink/the memo section on my blackberry lol
Speaking of blackberry, mine just turned off a few days ago and didn't come back on. I got super worried that I lost everything because I didn't back it up on my mac and sprint doesn't give sim cards in their phones. So like 2 days later it just came back on and I immediately backed it up on my mac.
I've just been thinking out new moves. Need to get my team together. I need to get a team lol.
I think that's it for today. Peace
Monday, October 5, 2009
So far my self rehab will include working out, working smarter no harder, treating myself better. That all sounds good, right? I'mma ad more to it tonight
Time to get ready for work. I'll give you the day 3 wrap up sometime tonight or first thing tomorrow morning.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
so far today I've gotten back to as much biz as possible from a computer. Need to get my phone back on and a office. I just was emailed a list of offices available. I'm not gonna look at it til I have money for it tho.
Tonight I'll be up all night going over new shit for Dipset West and writing on some screen plays. and figuring out the rest of my self rehab. I'll update ya'll tomorrow.
Friday, September 18, 2009
He's baacckk!

Aight, so it's been a minute since the last post. Hours after that last entry I was appointed A&R for Dipset West at the show I threw for them. I had the biggest fucking smile on my face. Iceman said he liked what I setup, how I rolled with all the venue changes and just my overall get down. I was actually going to cancel the show becuase I wasn't going to make money but I didn't for the sole purpose of me meeting Iceman and landing a job. I also had to switch venues at the last minute like a hour before the show was suppose to start. That ruined a business relationship but if I had the show there, I probably wouldn't have gotten the job. So always follow your instincts. If you've known me since high school then you know how big of a dipset fan I am/was. So to get a position on the ground floor of a company/crew I admire was amazing to me. A few days later my position switched to Head of Promotions because they aren't looking for more artist now. I'm going to help the artist they do have get where they need to be. The name allows me to make bigger moves and make money and put my stamp on something that's going to be big. Look out for that Dipset logo everywhere. I want to be to this company what Duke Da God is/was to the original Diplomats.
Still looking for a office. I'm def getting one in October. Need to get back to putting in those 18 hour minimum work days. I got alot done and was making money. It's hard to work at home because you have the option to go to bed or watch tv. Maaannn, when I get my office popped off, its a wrap for anyway in my way.
I'm in the process of getting back to throwing several shows a month. Need to raise funds to file for my LLC. You not a real business if the paperwork isn't right.
Anyway, I'm going to get back to work.
Monday, September 7, 2009
1.Get Best Coast Ent making more money
2.Get my body more toned and add more muscle
3.Get my mixtape done and out in the streets before winter
4.Get my car fixed...finally
5.Get an apartment
6.Just overall step it up as an artist
7.Get back on my knowledge of self road
Well, I accomplished 1,2 and 6. I didn't get my old car fixed but I got another one that was destroyed in a car accident. Haven't gotten back on my knowledge of self tip until I speak with Kuahmel. The gods out here in LA were on some bs. Not all but the ones I was learning from. I'mma get on it regardless. WORD
Here are the new goals:
1. Sign with Dipset West
2. Get my company its LLC
3. Get another car
4. Focus more on the company brand
5. Put my mixtape out. Then a EP. Then a album
6. More tatts
7. Stay in the gym
8. Work harder and smarter
9. Get Best Coast Radio and back up
10. Learn to play a couple instruments
11. Get back to DJ'ing at clubs
That's all I can think of for now. I set my goals now instead of new years because your own personal new years is your birthday. Ya'll know me, I never go out unless I'm performing or promoting but I did this year and I had alot of fun. 2 cups of Henney and cranberry juice, 2 french connection, platinum kush and pink champagne. I was BENT BACK.
Aight so now that I'm 24 I feel the need to work harder. Feels like I've been slipping. Not having my own office anymore has alot to do with that. Time to get back to throwing several shows a month. Both hip hop and rock. Gotta start recording on a regular basis. Need to get back in the studio badly on the engineer side. I'm trying to find a internship now. I've been writing on short screenplays and putting the steps together to produce them. I'm overly busy and I love it. Time to find a office. Nothing too big. Just need room for a desk and a coat rack in the corner lol.
Tonight I'm throwing a showcase for the newly formed DIPSET WEST. I invited the man in charge to come out and pick a new artist to sign. I'm of course performing too. I hope to win because I'm a big dipset fan and have been waiting for them to bring they ass to the west coast. I'll let you know tomorrow how it goes.
Due to financial set backs, I wasn't able to drop the mixtape on the 4th like I had planned. Which I'm really upset about but its still on the way.
I need to get back to being more family. Haven't spoke to my mom in months and don't plan to but on the daddy front I can do better. By no means am I a bad dad tho.
I'm out of shit to say and have to get ready for this DIPSET show so peace!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Countdown to "I GOT THE O.J. GLOVES" day 20

So I can't seem to find my OJ Simpson Buffalo Bills jersey so I might have to buy another one just to do the cover. I'll wear it at shows too tho. Looking for one of these two. I have the blue one somewhere tho
I need to buy some lil ass gloves that won't look gay at the same time lol

I'm going to see what I can do to get Maddox to let me record for free because I've yet to pay for my host DJ Ames and Devi Devi. I pick these 2 host because Ames will help me get my name out in the UK and picked Devi Dev because she's the go to person (not just woman, but person) when it comes to hip hop out here. Everyone knows who she is and what she stands for and I need both of them behind me on my first official mixtape.
I'm constantly changing the tracklisting around. I want to be a equal mix of deep shit and shit you can ride to. I purposely didn't use well known beats because you've already heard a million freestyles on a million mixtapes. I purposely didn't use certain west coast beats because that's just the norm for west coast rappers and I'm not the norm.
I over all feel behind on this mixtape. Just been busy with Best Coast biz that has nothing to do with the mixtape. Gotta keep the company afloat and money going since this is my JOB now.
Working out is going good. I just need to get on a more consistent schedule. 24 Hour Fitness is the shit lol. I be feeling crazy small tho in the weight room with these big ass niggas. I'mma catch up to them tho...WORD!
I'm out tho. Time to get to work. Peace ya'll
Until next time...
323 622 8559
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Countdown to "I GOT THE O.J. GLOVES" day 30
Today is thursday, last saturday I had another hip hop show that went bad. The spot had a wack sound system and I ended up running the one decent sounding mic from a guitar amp. Half the artist didn't want to perform and left with there money(understandable) and the others were lack luster in sales or wanted part of their money back(understandable). So at the end of the night I left with no money. Which is wack because I projected to make alot. Enough to do everything I planned to do this month. So since then I've just been going through the whole "maybe this isn't for me" "maybe I need to give it up and get a 9 to 5" thing.
BUT THEN...I hear some bullshit on the radio or a wack music video or see a loser promoter I went to high school with and say "Fuck that, I'm goin IN!". Yesterday I got alot done. I'm doing booking for Colby O' Donis and helping Dipset West find their next artist. I'm back to working out too. I need a work out buddy tho. Some one to push me.
I'll be making more phone calls today. Try to get the ball rolling on recording. I'm working on the tracklisting in order to fit Maddox on there once or twice. 30 days left, I need to get on the ball.
I'm out, money and calls to make. Peace
Until next time...
323 622 8559
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Countdown to "I GOT THE O.J. GLOVES" day 45/44
I'm going to get some writing done today. Just put all the instrumentals I want to use in order on iTunes and try to get the lyrics for the mixtape in order since I'm adding new songs.
I need to lock down management. Once the mixtape is done I'll have a listening party before it drops and see what Jazzy D thinks and if he'll take me on as a artist. He manages Stage and I've been to his house to talk to him. He's the man to go to on the west coast.
Haven't heard from my assistant in forever. Both of us are blackberry-less at the moment lol.
I'm about to do a search for open mics as well. Need to be at a couple a week atleast if I have no shows.
Overall I'm bored and that's not good. Means I'm not busy enough. Time to go chance that. Peace
Until next time...
323 622 8559
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Countdown to "I GOT THE O.J. GLOVES" Day 46
Still putting things together as far as music video ideas and what not. I need more venues and shows to pay for that tho.
Hopefully I can sit down with Devi Dev and get some consulting on the best way to put this out. Yes its a mixtape but I plan to work it like a album.
Im mad I had to miss Stage's video shoot because I don't have a working car. I need to get that worked out before it hurts me in the future.
I got a gym membership with 24 hour fitness through craigslist. 13 bucks a month. Bout to be so "yuff" (insider) lol
Im about to flip through stacks of lyrics and see what sounds good with no beat and find one for it.
I need to get back to studying my 5% lessons. Been super slacking on that. I didn't like what I was seeing in the Nation but the knowledge is still the knowledge. I haven't been living Islam the right way.
Im out. Got work to do. So..
Until next time....
323 622 8559
Monday, July 27, 2009
Countdown to "I GOT THE O.J. GLOVES" day 47 will be up hopefully by tomorrow. I plan to show alot of attention to that. I have 2 shows this week. I'm excited to perform again. Anytime I go a week without a show is too long to me. I'm looking for more shows. Just booked Aug 21st at some Def Jam showcase. I need to get promo shirts made. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow. Black tee that says "I GOT THE O.J. GLOVES" in white letters. That will catch some eyes lol. WORD!
I didn't work out today and I feel bad about it so tomorrw I'll make up for it. Looks like I found more venues to throw shows at. In a month or 2, if these Best Coast presents shows go well, I'll be getting another office with some partners.
I'm on the hunt for a internship but I might have found one. I'll let you know by the end of the week. Need to get my behind the scenes money on. And just in general need to get back to the point of being able to run my studio.
I'm looking for more writing gigs. I'm not feeling the magazine I'm at now. They too slow on money and physical issues of the mag. Time to get my screenplays done and shopping around. Time to find a better journalist job. Time to get some writer money.
Tomorrow I'mma go around and try to talk business's into buying radio time this week so I can start BEST COAST RADIO back this friday. Its been like 4 weeks. I miss it lol. And I need money to buy the mp3 players that my mixtape will be sold preloaded in.
One thing about me is I'm not a "rapper" rapper. People don't just know that I rap. I don't go around freestyling. Being a rapper isn't the first thing you notice about me and I have to change that if I want this to really work. Time to start hitting open mics hard. As many a week as possible. I have to brand C. Versy the rapper. I'mma be in your face like 'have you heard my new song yet?" lol. Imma be annoying but likeable. You gonna hear a song here and there from me on other people's mixtapes. Imma push the ringtones and wallpapers heavy when this mixtape drops.
Oh, also i'm trynna find out how to get on SXSW 2010. I have to be apart of that. I need to start going to conferences more and just building with artist, dj's, producers, radio jocks, etc.
I'm still trynna figure out where I'm headed as far as a dj for this mixtape. I don't just want some one to put gun shot sound effects behing my shit. I want a dj that will help promote. That will actually mix every song, bring shit back to the top and all that. Replay a punchline and shit. I need this to stand out from all angles. The cover, the production, lyrics, mixing. You only get one chance to make a first impression and it has to be perfect. That's why I've waiting so long as is already.
Until next time...
323 622 8559
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Countdown to "I GOT THE O.J. GLOVES" day 48
I found a graphic designer, DJ Nice ( and he gave me a good ass price. I need to find my O.J. Simpson jersey so I can take a pic for the cover. Imma have DJ Nice throw a white bronco in the background lmao.
I've been so busy trynna put this mixtape together to drop on my birthday that I forgot its my birthday the same day lol. My bday plans will coincide with whatever I do to promote this mixtape
I emailed a bunch of companies tonight about being sponsors and buying airtime on my radio show. I know they spend cash because they bought ad space in the magazine i'm a editor for. Hopefully I get some bites because I need marketing dollars and free clothes from some of these people lol
I need to get back up and running. I plan to use that to leak songs and where people can download my mixtape. Its my own social networking site which is really cool and will be great once I get more members.
That's it for now. I have push ups to finish and a new movie idea to write.
Until next time...
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Countdown to "I GOT THE O.J. GLOVES" day 49
I read a interview on with DJ Muggs that had me thinking. He had a point about free downloads and mixtapes and how there is no money in it and how artist need to put out albums instead. For a second I almost considered just putting out this mixtape and then nothing but albums after but gave that thought up real quick. He doesnt understand because he's a producer. He doesn't get the part about freestyles on mainstream beats or just about not being able to pay for good quality beats and have exclusive rights to them. And I just have too many good mixtape ideas. But I do have actual album ideas I plan to execute too.
Off that, today I hit the hand weights. I feel good about it. Just ready to see work out results. This mac is helping me get things done faster and better. I locked down my own dj so I want to start rehearsing with him soon. My live show is the shit but will be more eye catching with a dj.
Still trying to figure out the tracklisting. It's important that I find a beat for the song "good dad, bad dad'.
I'm going to be shooting some internet commercials for the mixtape soon. I have some really good ideas. This is me thinking outside the box. Raising awareness. Maybe I can get them on air with local television.
Looking for someone that does mixtape covers or just graphic design in general
I'm about to jump off here and go do some more online promo and work out and eat. Need some protein. Need to put some beats on this mac so I can write since I don't have my ipod at the moment.
Until next time...
323 622 8559
Friday, July 24, 2009
Countdown to "I GOT THE O.J. GLOVES" Day 50
The rest of today I'll be working on the aug 1st BEST OF THE BEST which will be at The Boulevard Lounge in west hollywood. I have to meet up with artist and get them tickets.
I was listening to a Top Dawg mixtape and a BlackSmith mixtape yesterday and it inspired me to go back and do some more lyrical freestyles for the mixtape. I'm officially a Ab-Soul fan now. I'm about to put pen to pad tonight!...WORD!
I'm about to jump on craigslist and myspace and look for more shows. Need to raise money for radio promo and music videos and posters. Need to raise awareness. Need to add more people on facebook and do some myspace blasting. That honestly does do alot but every little bit helps. I should have a tracklisting done by this weekend.
Until next time...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Countdown to "I GOT THE O.J. GLOVES" Day 51
I'm still working on the official tracklisting. I want a equal mix of original tracks versus industry tracks. As far as production, Its mostly Yung City Deniro. Also tracks from Meetro from Yacht Club/Blu Division, Blac Heat and some other free joints I've collected from online producers.
I want to shoot a video for a song called "Work" produced by and featuring Blac Heat. That was just something he emailed to me and I wrote a verse to and we got real lyrical on. Also want to push a song called "Where her tattoos at" which I hope to get a verse from Stage(Yacht Club/Blu Division). The song is about guys who think they got they girl on lock down but don't realize she's creeping with me and I can tell you where all her secret tattoos at lol.
The point of this mixtape in general as stated before is to just show how I can kill these rappers lyrically. Im underground that doesnt sound underground lol. This mixtape will have more subject matter than you are used to from artist. More lyrical that you are used to from west coast artist. More truth, less bling. I wanted to show how different can make it if you have equal skills and business mind.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Michael Jackson
As a kid I look forward to summer for one reason and that was MTV's Michael Jackson week. They played everything-making of thriller, moonwalker, lil kid version of "bad", etc. I didn't go outside for a week
I always knew when he died that people would kill themselves because michael meant that much to people. I never stopped to think how I would feel tho. I'm hurt that I never got to meet him. He was more famous than Jesus because Buddist, Athiest, etc all loved him. He ran with troops from other countries. He probably couldve ended the war we got going on now, real talk
There will never be another MJ because no other artist lives their career like he does. You didn't see him in the grocery store, on twitter, wearing regular clothes. You might go a year or two without seeing Mike.
He only came out when it was time to be Michael Jackson. It must hurt to have to wear a disguise just to sit in a public place.
I plan on getting a MJ sleeve tatt covering great things he did. And imma keep th v necks and fedoras popping lol.
R.I.P. Michael Joseph Jackson
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Slang Prostitution Tour
I added tour manager to my resume. Its hard but easy. Its funny because I used to want to be the top selling artist but if I can get a strong core audience that supports whatever I do, I can live. All I really want to do is speak my shit, have enough people love it to live and be considered "that nigga" for a lil bit lol.
Look out for me doing more tours. I want to hook something up for my nigga Stage, help him get his buzz up before his shit drops.
Man, I seen groupie shit first hand on the last show. I watched the baddest chick in the whole club at the last Cappadonna show walk in a long dress fitted dress shirt and panties. Went from being approached by sucka niggas to being scooped up by Killah Priest at the end of the show, hand in hand and shit lmao. Then I heard she was there the night before doing the same shit at another rap show lmao.
Peaca ya'll
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Thursday, May 28, 2009
C. Versy live at The Palmer Room May 12 video
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Types of Females
a. You have some one to manage your money.
b. She always looks good.
c. She makes your other guys jealous.
d. She makes you look good.
a. When you get broke she'll be gone and take what you have left.
b. She makes sure she has a child by you to sue you for child support.
c. Once your boy comes up she'll be on his arm the next day.
2. Ms. Freak (secret lover)
a. She knows all the right positions.
b. She'll try everything more than once.
c. You're never unsatisfied.
d. She'll do all the things your girl won't do.
e. She doesn't mind being your freak, as long as she catches one too.
a. Eventually, b/c she's a female, she'll end up catching feelings.
b. She starts to act like she's your "main".
c. She fucks wit ya boy and act like you in the wrong for telling her that she's a freak.
d. Eventually her shit gets old. And you need a replacement.
3. Ms. Independent
a. You don't have to worry about buying her anything. She got it.
b. She's intelligent, sassy, confident and determined.
c. She's great for (business) conversation.
d. She keeps it real and has goals.
e. She knows how to please a man.
a. She will continuously let you know, that she can handle it on her own.
b. She will eventually say fuck you and get a dildo.
c. She will consider you another one her play toys, or goals.
4. Ms. Dyme
a. She's top of the line.
b. She stays looking like a fantasy.
c. She has the body of a goddess with the face to match.
d. She considers herself a "model"
e. Gets you on hard whenever you see her.
f. All the girls envy her, but she doesn't care.
a. She's superficial. She cares only about her looks.
b. She honestly lacks confidence and will annoy you about the way she looks.
c. She's probably dumb as hell and if she's not her personality is dry.
d. You have to constantly keep your game up b/c every nigga is gonna try to get her.
5. Ms. Tomboy
a. She's cool and laid back.
b. She'll be willing to play rough with you.
c. Of course, she loves sports.
d. Her body is athletically divine.
e. She's easy to talk to and fun to be around.
f. She's a diamond in the rough.
a. She'll remind you too much of your nigga.
b. She might not want to change her appearance.
c. She might actually beat you in basketball, football and track.
6. Ms. Ghetto
a. She's not afraid of any other female or male. She will fight to keep you.
b. She's down for you. She'll be there to bail you out of jail.
c. She's always stays fresh.
d. She can cook up a storm. She can make the best out of a bad situation.
e. She keeps it real and keeps you satisfied.
a. She doesn't know how to act in public.
b. Your mama can't stand her.
c. You get into with her every other second.
d. She's willing to fight another girl looking at you or her PERIOD.
e. Her weave colors are distracting and her vocabulary is minimal.
7. Ms. Good Girl
a. She's always there for you.
b. She's intelligent, classy, kind, sweet and cool.
c. Your mother loves her.
d. You can see yourself falling in love with her.
e. You are her first everything.
f. She makes you feel like a man.
a. She's an A or B situation either:
b. You're not gonna get any until ya'll are married or
c. She said she's never done - she said she's never tried - she's sitting there telling a muthafukkin' lie.
8. Ms. Main
a. She is the one you respect.
b. She probably may know about the others but might not care.
c. She has all the qualities you want in a female.
d. You've been with her forever.
a. She starts getting very suspicious and calls you every moment.
b. She will devise a plan to catch you in your act and then kick your ass
9. Ms. Psycho
a. She's fun and spontaneous.
b. She's down to earth.
c. She loves you unconditionally.
d. Everything about her is too good to be true. So everyone loves her.
e. She makes you feel loved.
a. Don't you break up with her. She will stalk your ass.
b. She keeps pictures of you everywhere and knows everything about you.
c. She can manipulate the hell out of you.
d. She will consider herself wifey even if she may just be that chick on the side.
e. Fuckin' with her can make your life a living hell.
10. Ms. I have a Man
a. She may have a man but she'll mess with you anyway.
b. She looks good.
c. You have an intense night of passion with her.
a. She'll always come crying to you about the problems with her man.
b. She'll get you caught up and then leave you anyway for her man.
c. If you piss her off she'll get her man to come beat your ass.
d. She'll unofficially make you her man once she gets pissed off at her real man.
11. Ms. Tease
a. She's tempting and a nice piece of eye candy.
b. She's intelligent, athletic, respectable and SEXXXXXXY.
c. She knows how to turn you on without touching you.
d. Everything she does is just so sensual.
e. She can bring you to that point and make you wait to get it.
f. Every time you see her you catch a mini orgasm.
g. Every guy wants her b/c she's so mysterious and that makes you want to get her first.
a. NO matter what you think or do you never get it.
b. She probably has a long distance boyfriend somewhere that you will never know about.
c. She gets you hard and leaves you like that. (Unbearable)
a. She is not sexy, fine, or a dyme she is Beautiful and therefore encompasses all of these descriptions.
b. She is intelligent, sassy, funny, outgoing, determined, strong and classy.
c. She can cook or at least order a meal that is just like your mother's.
d. Her personality is just as beautiful as her body.
e. She believes in God and follows his virtues.
f. She knows that a relationship requires a 200% quota yet she gives her man an extra 10%.
g. She can please her man in anyway. Mentally, Spiritually, and Sexually.
h. She makes you recognize your full potential as a man and completes you.
i. She's always there for, no matter what your dreams are.
j. She's not afraid to tell you the truth and set you straight.
k. You can talk to her and confide in her, she's your best friend.
l. You love being around her more than your boys.
m. You can share your most intimate moments with her without sex.
n. You can have a bad argument with her and have the BEST Mind Numbing and passionate love making fest ever.
o. She's always willing to find a way to work out your problems and will often take most of your shit. But she's also intelligent enough to leave.
p. She's nothing like any other girl you've met. She's your woman.
a. You've probably met her, or had her in your life but got too consumed with all the other types that you let her go
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Bus stories #1
Now I'm standing outside the bus waiting for the next one.
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Saturday, May 16, 2009
Lost Child Society tatt...phase one
What's good. I just got this tatt a few days ago. It's 1:44am on saturday. I got it around 9:30pm on tuesday. I had a performance at The Palmer Room in west la. Actually, I had the whole event, it was BEST OF THE BEST pt2. I booked a tattoo artist to come to add a different element to the night. I got my 7th tattoo. It says "I.J.M.J.P.A.R." along my collar bone. It's the first initial of my brothers and sisters name from youngest to olders. Ismael, Jahlil, Malika, Jalila, Phoebe, Ashley and me, Randy. Around it I'm going to have Lost Child Society tatted. I did this because we were all spit up at a time when we were all we had. No mom and dad to rely on, just us. I haven't seen of them in over 10 years but thanks to myspace we've been able to kinda keep in touch. Ashley is actually getting married on the 20th of this month and hit me up to give her advice cuz she was nervous. She's good now tho. I got the tattoo to show that they are always with me. I love them to death...even in their absence. Lost Child President to the fullest! Peace
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Charles Hamilton breakdown
first single - the record that defines the mixtape, project, album for the masses
single - a well-selected portion of the mixtape, project and/or album
mixtape - a collection of random musical vents, usually over other people's production (not original)
project - a body of music that requires you to live the music, beginning to end
album - a body of music that captures a segment in time for a cause
anthology - the entire body of an artist's music, presented on a "just 'cause" basis
greatest hits - singles strung together to form a project
Cover art #1

I have a thing for cover art, especially on a mixtape. I go to these mixtape sites and I won't download your shit if the art isn't right. I'm not really sure why. I guess I feel like if you invested money in the cover art then you are serious about rapping. I'm rarely disappointed by a mixtape with good cover art. So I'll start posting cover art that I feel is the shit!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Update from the CEO 5/6
BESTCOASTTV. I give a video update weekly on what I'm up to. Trying to get my face out there. I need better lighting at my desk tho. I'm going to make it big tho so stay tuned. I'm adding performance footage and footage from my radio show.
BEST COAST RADIO. This has been going really well. Better and better every week. I'm about to sit and write up this weeks show. I plan to expand this into a really big platform. I'm so excited to see where this goes man. to hear each episode. Got that smooth Kevin Nash voice going lol. coming soon! I need sponsors dammit lol
I've been back on my music shit. Performing and recording. Finally got in the studio with Stage. He keeps me motivated. He always got something going, I need to be like that. Hopefully get 3 songs this week. Gotta get this mixtape done and out there so I can get shit popping for real. Need that summer tour action lol. I'm back on my shit tho. Blackberry notes section is getting abused.
BEST COAST ENT. I'm on that everyday. I'm in the office 15 hours everyday atleast working on that there. I got non stop events and shows popping off. The website is coming. About to hire a lawyer on retainer to get my paperwork back in order. That identity theft shit fucked my biz up. I had to drop some people, looking to put on more. Half the time I want to do it all myself and half the time I want a strong ass team. We'll see how that goes. Either way, Its going places. I'm taking the BEST OF THE BEST show on the road to San Diego and the bay so I'mma do lots of traveling and networking. I've been heavy on alot of the top websites just getting the name out before I hit em with music
I recently had a bad ass accident. Totaled my nova. Super wack sauce but I soldier on. No slacking on my part. I'm the hardest working man in hip hop, car or no car!
My ear stretches are on point. I'm at a 2G now and I start about a month and a half ago. I'mma go up a couple more sizes probably. More tatts coming as soon as I take care of much needed bills and do more shopping. I like shopping now lol. I got used to being fresh and addicted. Need to get back to working out tho. Startin to get that skinny man gut lol. Arms not as big as they used to be. I'm about to be built for summer tho, watch!
All in all, I'm on top of things. All hail the DOT!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Evolution of the unCOOL KID!

In high school I went through my awkward phase. 9th grade I was 5'7, real skinny, twisted afro. Teeth weren't straight. Not jacked up tho. I had a smile like Marion Jones lol, still do. My gear was ASS. I was quiet. I played football not for the sport but so people would know who I am. Didn't work. Was the president of the Young Black Scholars, vice president of the Student Success Group, 2nd Lieutenant in the Army JROTC (lol)and still no one knew my name til I braided the fro and joined the track team and the ladies saw ya boy in some tights lmao. Still wasn't cool, just became the skinny kid who was packing. After high school, I got more serious about working out. Part of it was me not wanting to be a skinny adult and the other part was that I had joined the army. I spent all my money on clothes and vinyl records. I built a nice shoe collection. I only bought the phat farms classics and air force ones lol. I started wearing alot of tall tees and accessories. Bought every color wrist band and durag. Then when college came, I started to get some chin hairs lol. I had my hair put in comb twist. I did alot of shopping from a good paying job I had. I got my fashion sense from music videos and magazines like most people in the hood but I didn't buy trends. I buy shit I can wear for years but doesn't look dated. Then when I was a partner in a clothing line, I studied lines more. I found my individual niche. I buy some what off shit and make it work. I don't just buy clothes just cuz. I buy shit that I can make look good. I'm thinking out a new clothing line. When that gets rolling and I start touring with this mixtape, I'll be the freshest thing walking

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
My Life Is Like A Movie: NOTORIOUS (bad boy with a good heart)
His relationship with his mom is like the one I had with mine. He was in the streets but she had no idea. If you ask my mom. I'm just her lil smart ass son. The people who know me know whats. They know what I did to put food on the table, pay rent, bills, clothes on my sons back, etc.
Another factor is we are both rappers of the storytelling variety. There is a beginning, middle and end in my songs. I gets busy when I put pen to pad.
The main comparison tho are the women in his and my life. His first baby momma is like my daughters mom. We dated young, lost touch and had a kid as adults. I get caught up doing this music shit and time flies by between our visits. She'll understand what this is all about when she gets older.
My version of Faith Evans is my first born sons mom. I keep fucking her over and saying sorry and doing it again. In my movie she doesn't sing tho...and she's not light skin lol. My son looks like me in the same way biggie's son looks like him.
My version also has the Lil Kim. The girl from the hood that Biggie relates to. She does music like me. I remember hearing something Lil Kim being pregnant by B.I.G. and losing/aboring the baby. Same deal on my end.
Hopefully my story ends better and history doesn't repeat itself
Monday, April 13, 2009
-I need to buy my own cordless mics
-I need to not yell on the mic the whole time, I get short of breath at times. Should try rapping closer to my regular voice but still loud
-Need to get a hype man cuz sounds would sound better with some1 hype on the adlibs and to communicate with on stage
-I move my hands alot but not my body enough, gotta get more live on stage
-Need to practice songs more, especially if its been awhile. I miss a word here and there. Get some time in at a rehearsal studio
-More crowd participation
-Get some performance mixes with the Hooks on the beat and adlibs too
I treat this footage like pro teams that watch the last game to see what's wrong and get the team better. I'm still the shit on stage but with these improvements....OH EMM GEE!
Monday, March 30, 2009
The Process: Performing
First thing I do is put the playlist for the performance on my ipod. I run through my set in the shower and on the bus or in my car (depends on what point in my life you caught me in). Back when I was a security guard, I would go through my set over and over while walking around my post. I'm usually still attempting to figure out what order to do the songs in, how its going to look on stage. If its a club performance, I practice the hype songs. If its underground hip hop thing, I pull out the slower "boom boom bap" beats lol. I mentally run through how its going to look on stage. What hand gestures, breaks in the beat, crowd participation, etc. I do this partly to stay on point and partly to save money on renting a rehearsal spot.
After I book the show I start thinking about what I'm going to wear. The on stage persona is super important. I'm always fresh on stage. Shirt matches the hat and shoes. Iron it all myself. Beyond crispy lol.
Appearance is key. If I have enough time before the show, I go hard on my work out routine. If I feel right the night of the show, I take my shirt off. I don't shave til the day of the show and I can't explain why. I just feel super clean after I shave my head and face after not doing it for like a week
I do a lot of online promo for a show. Usually within a 5 mile radius of the venue, don't ask how. Its a secret.
I show up to the venue early but I don't go in. I like to just be in the area 30 mins to a hour before my set. To get parking spot, sell last min tickets, check in and go through my set one more time in my head. I walk in the venue 10 mins before I'm suppose to go on and get a drink. If they giving free drink tickets to the artist, I get a beer. If I'm buying, its french connection. I always save some for when I'm on stage so I can grab a sip between songs. Gets hot on stage under those lights.
Next I step to the back of the stage and just get myself hype like a boxer jumping in his corner. Ready to go in!
Once I start my set, I'm feeding off the crowd. Seeing if they feeling it. I go hard on stag. Get sweaty, take my shirt off. Lost my voice a couple times. Pull a lady on stage for that "Come on and go" song. Give the handshake/hug to guys feeling it in the front of the stage. I've done so many shows that I black out at the beginning of my set and come back to when its over wishing I had more time and more songs lol. My live show is the shit. People love it. I'm a different person on stage. But you'll never know unless you show up....
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Reasons I cheated
Yes, I've cheated...but I'm not a cheater. That make sense? Difference is, I didn't cheat with every girlfriend. Just had a series of indescrestions with one female. Couple times where just cause but mainly it was because she just wasn't the woman I fell in love with. The reasons she loved me started being the reasons she couldn't stand me. Its not that I changed, I just grew more into who I was already becoming. In the beginning, I could play her songs by an artist and she would already know them, heard the song, had they first album on CASSETTE lol, all that shit. She was a go getter, in college, working, kept her hair done. Bottom line, she was a bad bitch. Then I fucked up and cheated and that was the beginning of the end. That fell under reasons I mentioned in the cheating blog. We got back together but from then on things were tainted. We began to fight about me talking to exes, not fucking, just talking. That just pushed me further away. Each accusation combined with shit going on in her own life seemed to break her down more. Then she got pregnant, which meant no school and no working while I did both. After the baby I kinda kept the trend going of her having to do nothing but stay home and take care of the baby. But then we'd fight about her doing nothing. I was working 2 jobs and on the bus so I'd be home for 2 hours in the morning between shifts and an hour in the evening. I'd spend that time with the baby and cleaning. How do you get mad some1 for doing what yo should be doing. That pushed me further away. I began to just stop coming home. I'd just wander the streets by myself because it was just better than going home to a dirty house and hearing her talk shit when I tried to clean up. Like im doing her job too. Honestly, I possess a lot of attractive qualities and I spend my day out in the world. Women out number men like 9 to 1 in cali. I began to meet girls who would do whatever to be around me. I didn't take most up on they offer but eventually, if u have burgers everday, u'll want a steak. Its not that these women were better, they just had what she did when I met her. Like she became this whole other person. She didn't listen when I tried to tell her about something hip hop related, a current event, a new song and she wouldn't take any interest but these girls would hang on to my every word. I'd give her a book to read so we could have long back and forth discussions about them but she would start a book and not finish or never start. But these girls would read that shit in 2 days. She began to criticize my decisions to move forward with music or shut down every new idea I had with "you always coming up with something" and change the subject to me finding another job. But these girls want to hear all about my idea, how I came up with it, how I plan to execute it and everything. She used to know my songs word for word but now I can't even get her to listen to my new shit. She can't tell you a line, a hook, how many songs I have. But these girls catch the bus to my shows, buy my cds, learn the words. To this day, if you bumped into her, she can't tell you what my last cd cover said, the name of my new mixtape, how many artist I have, etc. So I continue to cheat and she continues to catch me. I kinda always want her to, hoping it would make her change. Make her ask "why them and not me". Even when that was asked and answered, nothing changed. She just broke down more. She wouldn't do her hair or dress up unless she went out with her friends. Even putting on make up for em. But she'll walk around me in the same purple nightgown for days. Add that to the fact that sex became too predictable. 2 to 3 positions max and always the same 3. Positions that have me doing all the work. No head. Eventually it became a chore and no1 likes chores. But there are women out here who will blow a niggas back out, swallow the nut and cook you breakfast lol. When you all this adding, she's missing a lot of points. The question becomes "why don't you leave". The answer is, I felt ike I owed her something because I enabled her to become this person. And you add the years up, how do you leave some one who had your son and was with you when you had nothing. And she usually did something to make me believe things would be ok. Plus, she's a great person. She don't see the problems I see. All she see's is me cheating. She thinks it's cuz I'm impatient. Not even.
Bottom line, no excuse for what I did. Should've been man enough to address and trash the issues or leave.
Wack part is since its over and I addressed the issues, the new nigga is going to benefit from all my hard work. Believe me, I'm happy as he with her moving on but come on. She loves bowliuiend. I could never get her to bowl with me in 5 years. I guarantee that her and the new nigga go bowling before xmas. I couldn't get her to ride dick but I bet she's this new nigga's porn star. Even tho I hurt her, it was never on purpose. She likes to say shit to make me mad. To the point I want to knock her head off. I can't look at her. I can't even be her friend. Wack part is I have to see her everyday and allow her to give me attitude because in the grand scale of things, I did her wrong. All in all, I hope I didn't make life for her new man a living hell lol. Anyway, I don'tknow how to end this. I just showed an amazing amout of vulnerability for a rapper lol
Im tired. Peace
Friday, March 6, 2009
Interview with Cam'ron!

Sunday, February 15, 2009
Sick Wit It
When people outside of california usually think about how we dress, they all have that image of NWA, the movie Colors or any other gang movie in mind. Like we still wear flannel shirts and khakis and snap back caps. It doesn't help that the only southern hip hop images to the rest of the world are a blood and a crip who stay with creased dickies and chucks on. The reason we were stuck in time for so long is this, out here you can't leave your hood to buy clothes. Everyone knows how gang life is out here. Its no joke. So rather than cross through our enemies hood to go to the mall for the new shit, you go to your local discount store or t-shirt warehouse and just cop pro clubs, dickies and fat laces. Every hood has a shoe store but not every hood has some where that you can buy hot new clothes. Most stores in the hood got the bootleg shit. And all the niggas is wearing the same bootleg shit. We didn't know what was hot because we didn't go to the mall that much to see. You relied on what you saw in videos. Not know that by the time the video came out, that shit isn't hot anymore.
But... now, fashion is more apart of life than anything else. It used to be either you banged or you didn't. Then when the black clothing lines started popping up sean john and roca wear, you had to have it. Karl Kani and Phat Farm was out but it didn't really appeal to the urban youth. It was a grown mans take on how to be hip and dressy. Then you could shop online or through magazines like eastbay. Real talk, I had that magazine but never ordered shit from it. You used to know be able to wear 2 or more different labels together, they called it cross dressing. Its not like that anymore. You can mix and match now along as the color scheme is right. shoes match the shirt that match the hat. Not sure when Melrose popped off but all the sudden Melrose was the shit. They have every kind of clothes that's hot. And its not in any one's "hood". I found out about it because of a record store that I found online called Fat Beats. I also think the fashion boom comes from all the independent designers out here. We have the top fashion school out here in LA. Its too the point where we all know one tight ass designer.
It was once cool to all dress the same, now its about being an individual. We stopped dressing like the east coast and started wearing shit from other countries. Japanese denim and shit like that. We started actually putting money towards our appearance. Especially around 01-02 when niggas was putting gucci, LV and burberry on everything they wore. No one wants to be the same anymore. We all want to be the first one to wear something instead of saying "I got that too". I remember when none of my friends had the internet and now we are all online everyday. You can find out whats hot, what's suppose to be hot next, where to find it, etc. all online. Don't get me wrong, you still got the chucks and dickies in the closest but we also got the new new shit too because the clubs don't play on that dress code shit lol. You gotta dress like Neyo to get on the club now
Fashion all starts with the shoes. When they started making better casual shoes, clothing lines had to make better outfits to go with them. I stopped buying basketball shoes soo many years ago. I only buy shoes now if I plan to buy a whole outfit with it. Remember when you had to get something to go with your air force ones in that new color that just came out?
So in all, we went from dickies and pro clubs, to denim suits, to gucci/LV/burberry monogram, to throw backs, to button ups. Now its soo many different things. You are just free to do you. Skinny jean gangstas are all over lol. I blame lil wayne and jim jones. Funny thing is, cali is dressing better and NY is going back to the bubble vest, carhartt jackets and shit. Like its "One more chance" video shoot in this bitch lmao.
As for my personal style, that will be in another blog. I'm out. Still sick and my hot dog is gone...:(
Thursday, February 12, 2009
So...what's been new you ask? I've been recording. I'm halfway done with my mixtape, I GOT THE O.J. GLOVES. I know I said the first mixtape would be A MAN APART but the mood of all of these songs just fit better in the IGTOJG's theme. I'll actually be doing the mixing of this one. If you know me then you know I hate mixing my own songs but I need to get back to that aspect since its what I went to college for. Been recording with MADDOX in his studio. Not sure where I'mma mix tho because he doesn't have pro tools.
I'm back performing after not performing since september I think. I'm tearing stages down with my new shit. I finally got that songs I want. The shit that sounds good in a club but isn't a club song. I still do my "back pack emcee" thing. Tracks like "Lo Lo Drop" and "Random" might get me some airplay if I push them right.
I was nominated for a Southern California Music Award in the hip hop category and the nomination party was 2 nights ago. Only the nominees performed. It was Stage, Conflict, F.S., Tha Banditz, Those Chosen and Young Casanova. It was a cool night but Young Casanova kinda throw things off. It was alot of stress for me because I put the whole night together. Young Casanova's DJ had his sound sounding terrible. He had the only actual band of the night and they showed up late and took forever setting up. And there was miscommunication with the tickets. Last time I do some one a favor and put my job on the line. I got BEEENNNNTTTT BAAACCCKKK that night while I was hosting. Shout out to Tanesha, the bartender, she made my French Connection super big on accident. I'mma upload the video of the show ASAP.
Oh, and I saw Stage after a few months and that nigga has gotten big since his gym membership. I'm def getting back on my work out shit. SUPER HARD lol. I don't know what they feeding them Blu Division niggas lmao.
I'm a writer for True Magazine now. Its been around for 10 years but I had never heard of it before I bumped into the owner on the train and we were politicking. My first interview was with Paul Wall and he was super cool. Gained more respect for that man and the way he talks about marriage makes me want to get married soon. I'll upload that when it comes out. My second interview was with a producer named J. Cardim. He's dope. Just put out a project called YOUR FAVORITE RAPPERS FAVORITE PRODUCER. Everyone is on it, Lil Wayne, Red Cafe, The Lox, Cassidy. He on his grind and we had a real good interview. I have to send that end tonight actually. I had to do 2 free interviews before I can get paid so I'm waiting on this next one to roll around cuz I'm ready to get PAID lol. WORD TO SLAV!
I'm sitting here waiting on Drake to upload his mixtape. Its suppose to be up before midnight and its 10:51pm now...tick toc lol.
Overall, I'm back. Pulling no punches and ready to fuck the game up. My CEO game is popping and you better get on board! I'mma be updating all of these blogs on the regular:
And you will def get a project from me about every 3 months. Look out for:
Keep your eyes and ears open for C. Versy and BEST COAST ENT.
"Wait til they get a load of me..."